Friday, January 14, 2011

Shaam-e-Charaghan (Submit Your Ideas)

To kick-start the wheels of change back into gear, one has to have a vision – always. A vision so internally inspiring and stimulating, that it can be manifested into the external world – set free, to take shape, and a life of its own. Like a subtle flower bud, flung out into an open sky, that blooms once and blooms always, in full splendor. Change comes – slowly – yet it comes. Considering this thought and holding a firm believe for an enormous revolution, a Tamasha has been set up to charge the mute assets of a mother who is now 64 years old.

Shaam-e-Charaghan, the 'soul' of Tamasha, is a shot to revolutionize the lives of those who are the definitive and ultimate movers of nation’s jammed systems but regrettably, they are IGNORANT of this truth. It is an effort to make them learn about their duties for their beloved homeland without blaming them directly for not playing their role. It is a promising struggle to put a base upon which our next generation would play its part to make this nation getting better without being oblivious of their due tasks.

Participants light up 'their' diyas reviving the sensation that if everyone of us starts fulfilling responsibilities of THEIR part then together we can lighten up the darkened atmosphere. A peace walk is then arranged to ensure the unity of steps covered.


* Submit your 'written' Ideas about how to 'Re-brand Pakistan' PRACTICALLY on Sham-e-Charaghan booths at Tamasha event till Sunday, 30th Jan, 6.00 pm and be the ambassador of soul of Tamasha.

* Sham-e-Charaghan this time is linked with Edhi Foundation.

For more details, visit our event page:

PS: If you've not registered so far then what are you waiting for? :O Get yourself registered before it's too late! Some things are worth NOT missing and Tamasha, we assure you, is one of such gems =)

We look forward to join hands with you all in Tamasha'11.

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