Sunday, January 2, 2011

Word of the week: Pressure

When the proposal of Tamasha-2011 got approved from our Ex-Director, Dr. Aftab Maroof, Haider Miraj, the President Tamasha, came to me sharing an excellent idea by Haroon, Director Marketing, that we should name the feeling surrounding us during each work. The idea thoroughly mesmerized me as it'll keep a record of phases we went through before and during Tamasha-2011.

A performer at Theatre, Tamasha-2010, is engulfed with pressure yet tends to look high at horizon of hope.

As the new year begins to spread its effect, the feeling of 'main day coming closer' induces a great deal of pressure. So I thought to call it a word of week because it's pressure what engulfs each member of team when there is uncertainty about arrival of teams, approval of sponsors and collaborators, members not working efficiently and things not going the way one thought about them. Not to forget, there's always another surprise, more of a shock :P, waiting during each and every task making us improvise our strategies at every step.

But there's one thing that binds us together, one things that fights with the pressure and that's faith =) Faith in what we are doing is right and will eventually turn up things to be better than before. Faith that our efforts will be awarded by great number of participation because youth DOES respond to call of 'needed' revolution. And we tend to 'Re-brand Pakistan' after 'Revival Of Realization'.

And it is this faith which makes us grow our positive energies, do responsibilities of our part and then leave the things in Bigger Hands. So, we never cease to struggle with increasing pressure. And I won't hesitate to mention that I'm proud of my team for doing that. Here I would specially like to mention our President, Haider Miraj, whose nights and days are spent having a battle with 'pressure'.

So, who among you will respond to our call? The days are approaching nearer. And you shouldn't miss the chance of lightening the darkened atmosphere with us. For details, visit our official website : and catch us at Facebook on: 'Tamasha' page.

Seek your own light... The torch is lit!

Passion and Faith has power to make one fight with pressure and one can always FACE it with support at side. A performer at Theatre, Tamasha 2010.

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